The Determinants of Small Firm Growth
Richard Barkham and 2 more
Not Available
FDI and the Global Economy
N A Phelps and 1 more
Geographies of Labour Market Inequality
Ron University of Cambridg and 1 more
Regions, Spatial Strategies and Sustainable Development
David Counsell and 2 more
Regional Development in the Knowledge Economy
Philip Cooke and 1 more
Geographies of the New Economy
Peter W Daniels
Philip Cooke
Devolution, Regionalism and Regional Development
Jonathan Bradbury
Clusters and Regional Development
Bjorn Asheim
Migration in the 21st Century
Thomas N Maloney
Regional Competitiveness
Ron Martin
Industrial Policy Beyond the Crisis
David Coventry University and 2 more
China and Europe
Klaus Kunzmann
Just Growth
Chris Legacy Clinical Research Technology and 4 more
Creative Regions
Business Networks in Clusters and Industrial Districts
Fiorenza Belussi
Controversies in Local Economic Development
Martin Perry
The Rise of the English Regions?
Irene Hardill
Can Neighbourhoods Save the City?
Frank Iona College and 1 more
Globalizing Regional Development in East Asia
Henry Waichung Yeung
Cultural Political Economy of Small Cities
Anne Aalborg University and 1 more
'Whither regional studies?'
Andy Pike
Thomas N Maloney and 1 more
Knowledge Economy and the City
Ali Madanipour
Beyond Territory
Harald Bathelt
The Recession and Beyond
Territorial Development, Cohesion and Spatial Planning
Neil Adams
The Futures of the City Region
Michael Neuman
Manufacturing in the New Urban Economy
Willem van Winden and 3 more
The Impacts of Automotive Plant Closure
Andrew Beer
The Creative Class Goes Global
Charlotta Mellander
Shrinking Cities
Harry W Richardson
Urban Innovation Systems
The European Territory
Jacques The University of Hong Kong and 2 more
Working Regions
Jennifer Georgia Technology Institute and 1 more
The University and the City
John Goddard and 1 more
Regional Development in Northern Europe
Mike University of the West of Scotland and 1 more
Re-framing Regional Development
Creating Knowledge Locations in Cities
Complex Adaptive Innovation Systems
Creative Industries and Innovation in Europe
Luciana University of Florence and 1 more
Promoting Silicon Valleys in Latin America
Luciano Ciravegna
Innovation Governance in an Open Economy
Annika Rickne
Leadership and Change in Sustainable Regional Development
Markku Sotarauta
Regional Development Agencies: The Next Generation?
Nicola Bellini
Networking Regionalised Innovative Labour Markets
Ulrich Hilpert
Community-based Entrepreneurship and Rural Development
Matthias Fink and 2 more
The Age of Intelligent Cities
Nicos Aristotle University of Thessalonki and 1 more
Urban Competitiveness
Peter Kresl and 2 more
The Value of Arts and Culture for Regional Development
Lisbeth Lindeborg
Leadership and Place
Chris Collinge
Smart Specialisation
Dominique Foray
The Economic Geography of the IT Industry in the Asia Pacific Region
Entrepreneurial Knowledge, Technology and the Transformation of Regions
Charlie Karlsson
The London Olympics and Urban Development
Gavin Poynter
Higher Education and the Creative Economy
Roberta Comunian
The UK Regional-National Economic Problem
Philip McCann
Code and the City
Rob Kitchin
Cities, State and Globalisation
Tassilo University of Westminster and 1 more
The Global Competitiveness of Regions
Robert University of Sheffield and 4 more
Sustainable Cities
Graham University of Manchester and 2 more
EU Cohesion Policy
John Bachtler
Social Exclusion in European Cities
Judith Allen
Regional Innovation Strategies
Kevin Morgan
Restructuring Industry and Territory
Anna Giunta
Europe's Changing Geography
British Regionalism and Devolution
The Regional Imperative
Urlan A Wannop
The Coherence of EU Regional Policy
Metropolitan Planning in Britain
Peter Roberts
Community Economic Development
Graham Haughton
Union Retreat and the Regions
Ron Martin and 2 more
Regional Policy in Europe
SS Artobolevskiy
An Enlarged Europe
Louis Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and 1 more
Regional Development Strategies
Jeremy Alden
Regional Worlds: Advancing the Geography of Regions
Martin Jones
Entrepreneurship in a Regional Context
Michael Fritsch
Evolutionary Economic Geography
Dieter University College Dublin and 1 more
The Unequal City
John Rennie Short
The Regional Dimension of Transformation in Central Europe
Grzegorz Gorzelak
Multinationals and European Integration
Nicholas A Phelps
Innovation Networks and Learning Regions?
James Simme
The Scottish Economy
Duncan Maclennan and 3 more
Kenneth Gibb
Regional Development Agencies in Europe
Charlotte Damborg
Richard Barkham
Data and the City
The Illicit and Illegal in Regional and Urban Governance and Development
Francesco Gran Sasso Science Institute and 1 more
Regional Development in the 1990s
In The Post-Urban World
Tigran Haas
Transitions in Regional Economic Development
Ivan Turok
Unemployment and Social Exclusion
Sally Hardy
Roberta Comunian and 1 more
Nicos Komninos
Leadership and the City
Making 21st Century Knowledge Complexes
Julie Miao
Knowledge, Networks and Policy
James University of Manchester and 1 more
Cities in Crisis
Jörg HafenCity University Hamburg and 1 more
Place-making and Urban Development
Pier Carlo Palermo and 1 more
Territorial Cohesion in Rural Europe
Andrew Copus
Making Cultural Cities in Asia
June Wang
Peter Karl Kresl and 1 more
England Regional Studies Association Seaford
The Social Dynamics of Innovation Networks
Roel Rutten
Spaces and Places in Central and Eastern Europe
Gyula Horváth
David Bailey and 2 more
In the Post-Urban World
Tigran Haas and 1 more
Soft Spaces in Europe
Phil Cambridge University Allmendinger
Jacques Robert
The Production of Alternative Urban Spaces
Jens Kaae University of Southern Denmark and 2 more
Place-based Economic Development and the New EU Cohesion Policy
Philip University of Groningen and 1 more
Strategic Approaches to Regional Development
Iryna Kristensen
The Entrepreneurial Discovery Process and Regional Development
Åge Mariussen
Metropolitan Economic Development
Alejandra Trejo Nieto
Francesco Chiodelli and 2 more
Urban Transformations
Nicholas Wise
Economics of Planning Policies in China
Wenjie Wu
Skills and Cities
Sako Musterd
Rethinking International Skilled Migration
Micheline University of Tennessee and 1 more
Smaller Cities in a World of Competitiveness
Peter Karl Kresl and 2 more
Governing Smart Specialisation
Dimitrios Kyriakou
Innovation, Regional Development and the Life Sciences
Kean York University and 1 more
Socio-Economic Segregation in European Capital Cities
Tiit Tammaru
Transformation of Resource Towns and Peripheries
Greg Halseth
The Political Economy of Capital Cities
Heike Mayer and 3 more
The Rural and Peripheral in Regional Development
Peter De Souza
People, Places and Policy
Dynamics of Economic Spaces in the Global Knowledge-based Economy
Sam Park
Approaches to Economic Geography
Ray Hudson
Reanimating Regions
James Riding
The EU's New Borderland
Andrzej Jakubowski and 3 more
Territorial Policy and Governance
Iain Deas
The Empirical and Institutional Dimensions of Smart Specialisation
Secondary Cities and Development
Lochner Marais
Unfolding Cluster Evolution
Technology and the City
Tan Yigitcanlar
Territorial Designs and International Politics
Boaz Atzili
Ivan Turok and 8 more
Creative Cluster Development
Marlen Komorowski
John Bachtler and 3 more
Âge Mariussen and 3 more
Jens Kaae Fisker and 3 more
China in the Local and Global Economy
Steven Brakman and 3 more
Universities and Regional Economic Development
Paul University of Twente and 1 more
Smart Transitions in City Regionalism
Tassilo Herrschel and 1 more
Iryna Kristensen and 2 more
Fragile Governance and Local Economic Development
Sergio Montero and 1 more
Smart Development for Rural Areas
André Torre
The Theory, Practice and Potential of Regional Development
Kelly Vodden
Diversities of Innovation
Social and Economic Development in Central and Eastern Europe
Alejandra Trejo Nieto and 1 more
Rural Development in the Digital Age
Martin Plucha and 1 more
Regional Economic Development and History
Marijn Molema
Geography of Innovation
Nadine University Grenoble Alpes and 2 more
Smart Cities and Connected Intelligence
Border Cities and Territorial Development
Eduardo Medeiros
Marlen Komorowski and 1 more
Industry 4.0 and Regional Transformations
Lisa De Propris
Urban Competitiveness in Developing Economies
Peter Karl Kresl
André Torre and 4 more
The Randstad
Wil Zonneveld and 1 more
The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Future of Working Spaces
Ilaria Mariotti
Metropolitan Governance in Latin America
Eduardo José Rocha Medeiros
Spatial Justice and Cohesion
Matti Fritsch
Inequalities, Territorial Politics, Nationalism
Donatella Scuola Normale Superiore and 1 more
Planning Regional Futures
John Harrison and 2 more
The Confines of Territory
John Agnew
Universities and Regional Engagement
Tatiana Iakovleva
Anatomy of a Plant Closure
David Bailey and 1 more
Benchmarking City-Regions
Igor Calzada
Megaregions, Prosperity and Sustainability
Catherine Laverne Ross
Social Drinking, Community Cohesion and Third Places
Ignazio Cabras
Ilaria Mariotti and 2 more
Climate Governance and Urban Planning
Deborah Heinen
Questioning Planetary Illiberal Geographies
Jason Luger
Entrepreneurial Urbanism
Kevin Ward
The Political Economy of Mega Projects in Asia
Hyun Bang Shin
Self-Sufficiency and Sustainable Cities and Regions
Donatella Della Porta and 2 more
Migration and Race
Kasia Narkowicz and 2 more
Contemporary South Africa and the Political Economy of Regional Development
Methembe Mdlalose and 2 more
Ageing and Urban Planning
Matthias Drilling and 3 more
Territorial Development in Latin America
Diana Morales and 2 more
The Political Economy of Megaprojects in Asia
Hyun Bang Shin and 1 more
Place-Based Economic Development and the New EU Cohesion Policy
Philip McCann and 1 more
Creating Smart Cities
Claudio Coletta and 3 more
Nicola Bellini and 1 more